Sunday, December 27, 2015


We watched her fade. And it wasn’t for one second what we wanted. Somehow there were reconciled thoughts all around the room though. ‘Till the last is defiance—why must things be as they are? But with it can come some strange acceptance—well, they just are so.

It is a rainy Christmas and we figure, at least it’s still warm enough to rain. No matter cloudy skies and gloom. There are always a few different ways of looking at circumstances. I don’t want the bitter taste any more than you, but I do want to walk away uncrippled. If we lean on each other a little here a little there, we’ll put the crutches out of business and be ready to give a hand to others soon. Theoretically at least.

Asking why is okay. Perhaps even healthy. Our fists were made to shake to the rhythm of what is right. “Let justice roll down like water,”[1] declared the Lord through the ancient prophet. And may it roll down, down, down.

Then again, think how it would sweep us all away. Not one of us would be left standing with stone in hand. Throw first, ye sinless. The world trembles at the thud of all condemnations dropping to the ground.

Just look at the evil here. Evil in us. It’s not so much a wonder bad happens; it’s more a wonder good does.

The best we see to do is take longer to sip the coffee, love deeper each chance we get, praise the Lord for life every dark or well-lit day. Follow His footprints as clear as you can track them. Reconcile thoughts with this—

Hands lift wood to hilltop as stones and water roll down over innocence instead. So come and worship. Come.

[1] Amos 5:24

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